Tuesday, February 2, 2016

February Newsletter! We're expanding!!!

Medicine from Mother Earth
Eagle River, WI 54521


Bead work - Traditional Ceremonial Items - Herbal tinctures - Creams - Lotions - Soaps

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herbal tinctures, blends, body lotions, bath salts and homemade soaps and candles, handmade beaded jewelry, custom sewing and traditional items...most of the items you find here are homemade although occasionally we help out a friend by showcasing product they have for sale. Each month we’ll write up additional information on new product lines, scents, production or notes to introduce other artists.  Stay tuned!
...taught traditionally by the elders and create all of my work thru prayer and a connection to Great Spirit and Mother Earth.
...taught traditionally to work with herbs and natural treatments for healing.
...Sharing the lessons with my daughter on how we work with the moon's phases in creation. how we have 13 cycles of growth throughout the year...and how healing our minds, bodies, and spirits can take some time.
For the past ten or so years my crafting has been requested by elders. whether you order a prayer shawls, ribbon shirts and dresses, beaded fans or simple necklaces--each is a gift that will touch your soul and help you in your life's journey. if you don't see an item here and would like a custom piece---i do that too. If you are requesting an individual piece, please be aware that it could take up to three weeks to complete.
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Soap Bases 3 - 6 oz. $5.95
All of our product lines are made with all natural ingredients--and will come either with Hemp base, Oatmeal base, Goat’s Milk base, Shea butter base, Castile or Glycerin base.  Each soap base has a different texture and effect on your skin. If you have a preference or a special blend you’d like worked up, let us know!  We do make custom orders.  Soap ingredients are (can include) hemp oil,  palm oil, coconut oil, safflower oil, olive oil, glycerin, shea butter,  and/or goat’s milk, purified water, sodium hydroxide, sorbitol, sorbitan oleate, oat protein, and titanium dioxide. Colorant is also used unless you specify not to.

Herbal component and/or Scent

Each bar of handmade soap comes with a specialized scent, blend of scents or herbs that are specially prepared and added to give you that extra healing element while you bathe. As a trained herbalist I have been working with herbal combinations for over 25 years utilizing the wisdom I’ve gathered to help heal myself, my loved ones and those who I’ve worked with.  Healing one’s body can be a multifaceted experience that when layered, keeps the body in a state of perpetual fluidity and movement while illness and dis-ease washes right off! Adding specific herbs to an herbal soap will help to exfoliate, scent, add depth and dimension as well as heal our bodies from the outside in.  When we couple that with a signature scent or blend of scents we are healing through smell along with healing through touch and herbal components.  I have between 50 -100 essential oils at any given time and can work with you on adding your favorites.  Blended oils that I’ve worked with tend to be using absolute versions of the essential oils and will tend to cost more as they are ‘truer’ scents than those on the mass market.  I’ve worked with oils and herbs for decades and tend to stay with ones that provide results--brands I tend to stay with are doTerra oils, Aveda oils etc.  I do tend to work with natural scents vs. commercialized ones that can affect the skin in harmful ways. Remember, my training has always occurred close to the Earth--both herbally and essentially with oils, tinctures, etc.  The blends that I work with will reflect that and more often than not, be truer in their healing capacity than buying a soap that smells like linen or bubblegum or some such thing.  If you have allergies to a particular scent, combination of scents or herbs--please alert me and we’ll find a different way to help you heal.  Mother Nature has an abundant array of medicines that when gathered with prayer and thanksgiving, will help you heal and bring a beautiful balance back into your life.

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BATH SALTS 4 oz. $7  
All of our product lines are made with all natural ingredients--and will come with a foundation of Dead Sea Salts, Pink Himalayan Salts, and Epsom Salts as a base mixture.  Additives can vary along with scents used and herbal components such as lavender buds, rose buds, chamomile or calendula to name a few.  Personal healing issues are needed here and we can custom blend a signature mixture just for you! I have utilized custom bath salts for over 30 years and have been taught traditionally to work with these healing methods from Medicine Women while working with Moon lodges, moontime, dream incubation and both personal and group healing and cleansing.  Each month our bodies follow a personal healing cycle that naturally uses modes of cleansing, fortifying and healing.  When we augment our personal healing cycle with the regimented use of bathing, bath additives and essential oils we are connecting to some incredibly old techniques of women’s healing.  I recommend using 2 - 4 oz. of bath salts per healing bath in as hot of bath water  you can manage. After relaxing in the herbal bath for 15 - 30 minutes you should wrap yourself in a warm blanket or ceremony robe and head to sleep.  Knowing that the mysteries centuries old will embrace you and lead you down your own personal dreamtime path again and again.  Candles, burning incense or sage/sweetgrass/cedar, dreamtime intent and journaling can and has kept many of us sane in an incredibly insane world.  The messages one receives from these bathtime rituals has guided many a woman through her own healing process month after month. I’ve offered for sale four basic recipes--Lavender & warm vanilla, doTerra Whisper Sensual blend, Peppermint & eucalyptus, and Cedar, Sage & Sweetgrass--that are made in individual 4 - 6 oz. bags.  For larger orders please contact us and we can create something for your personal use!
BATH FIZZ  4 oz. $7
All of our product lines are made with all natural ingredients--and will come with a foundation of Dead Sea Salts, Pink Himalayan Salts, and Epsom Salts as a base mixture.  Additives can vary along with scents used and herbal components such as lavender buds, rose buds, chamomile or calendula to name a few. Bath fizz is a variation of traditional bath salts and does have the addition of corn starch, baking soda, citric acid and sweet almond oil.  Bath fizz will bubble up like your own personal spa. I’ve offered for sale four basic recipes--Lavender & warm vanilla, doTerra Whisper Sensual blend, Peppermint & eucalyptus, and Cedar, Sage & Sweetgrass--that are made in individual 4 - 6 oz. bags.  For larger orders please contact us and we can create something for your personal use!  Children also love bathtime with bath fizz products so consider us creating a special blend just for them!

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Herbal Tinctures -- 2 oz. $20  OR  4 oz. $40

Working with herbs and vitamins for as long as I have, I’ve found the easiest way to transport, keep and work with herbs is through making personal tinctures. Tinctures are liquid forms of an herbal blend and can be created with either a glycerin or alcohol base.  The tinctures I’ve worked with are all made with Everclear and have a shelf life of 10+ years.  Dosage amounts will vary from person to person although typical directions will be to take 3 - 6 drops under the tongue 3x a day.  If more or less is needed, we can work with you on creating what works best for your personal issues. If you are not wishing to have alcohol in your system, we can create the same blend in a glycerin base -- or you can place your drops of tincture in a steeping cup of tea and let the heat burn off the alcohol.  Tinctures that I create, are made all year long according to the cycle of the moontime and will take a good two weeks to create.  Plan on a moon cycle for timing and starting a new herbal regime.  I do have several already on hand but any custom orders will need those two weeks to ‘gel’.  Tinctures come in two sizes--2 oz. and 4 oz.
Herbal Pain Relief: We are talking a fairly strong herbal blend that will help not only to relieve the pain associated with arthritis, sciatica, back injuries, neck injuries, etc--but also act as a tonic for the nerves. I have made this product for going on almost 20 years to handle my own disc degenerative disease and it is always a winner with me!  Herbal components are Valerian, Lobelia, Skullcap and Passionflower. This year I am adding CBD oil as well--if you are considering this product and have any questions, please feel free to ask. I have many many years of working with herbs and tinctures and if I can't answer your question, I will find out who can.  This product will be sold in 2 oz and 4 oz varieties. Prices are accordingly made. I also have this blend in a dry herb formula if you prefer to work with capped herbs.  Contact me with any questions, I will be happy to help!
Herbal Fortifier:  Many times anyone dealing with pain of any sort in the body has issues with fluid retention or swelling in joints, muscles, etc. When the body experiences pain it tends to pull inwards, to contract, or hold onto things. When we are working with healing any pain or swelling--we are doing so gently and with love. Fortifying the body can help balance what has been taken out with a healthy detox. Some of the properties of the herbs used here in this blend will bring on detox for the body--but it will not be an extra strength detox.  Herbal components are Dandelion, Catnip, Stinging nettle and Osha. If you are considering this product and have any questions, please feel free to ask. I have many many years of working with herbs and tinctures and if I can't answer your question, I will find out who can.  This product will be sold in 2 oz and 4 oz varieties. Prices are accordingly made. Not only will you be fortifying your body, but cleansing your blood, your liver, your skin and any issues you have with your digestive system. It will help to build and fortify your blood, circulation and help to rid the body of toxins that would cause any inflammation.
Herbal Protector:  Osha or Bear root is one of the strongest medicines out there for cleansing, staying healthy and protection. Traditionally it is harvested in the mountainous regions and stored to be used all season. The root can be dried, cut into tiny pieces and used to chew on or make a wonderful tea with. Folks either just starting a cold or having a full blown cold will be able to move the cold into a productive state to rid the body of the illness. Other cleansing signs will be sweat and possible diarrhea. Be careful on this one, as in use of all natural medicines. Just because you read it on the internet will not make you a certified herbalist--traditionally or allopathically.  The prime Herbal component in this is Osha. If you are considering this product and have any questions, please feel free to ask. I have many many years of working with herbs and tinctures and if I can't answer your question, I will find out who can.  This product will be sold in 2 oz and 4 oz varieties. Prices are accordingly made. Not only will you be cleansing your body, but cleansing your blood, your lungs, your liver, your skin and any issues you have with your digestive system. It will help to rid the body of toxins that would cause any disease--whether physical or spiritual in nature.
Herbal FIBROMYALGIA BLEND: When dealing with issues that have been diagnosed  allopathically it is strongly recommended that you confer with your physician prior to and during any herbal blends being used. Our bodies have been away from traditional methods of sustenance for centuries and I tend to believe that working together can and often does help.  Many times it is the only way available to us as humans nowadays.  With this in mind we are in the process of creating a new blend for those who suffer from fibromyalgia. Timeline for this tincture will be available the third week of February, 2016.  Ingredients in this blend are magnesium, manganese, malic acid, shark cartilage, white willow bark, grape seed extract, valerian root, ginger and yerba mate.  Since many of our current dis-ease is caused by fast foods, chemicals, overuse of antibiotics not only in our own bodies but in the bodies of the critters we consume--healing again will be a long term process.  Maintenance and building up our bodies to constantly ward off the down times is a balance.  Treat yourselves and your bodies well.  Creator and Mama Earth have given you a gift of life.  Work as hard on balancing your health as  you do anything else--even more so--as without personal physical, mental, spiritual balance--your life will continue to shift into illness. Keep your personal commitment to life at the center of your healing process!

***I do have several other blends that I work with personally or share with people I’ve been working with for some time.  If you have issues you are working on healing, feel free to set up some time for a consult and we can discover what you’ve used in the past, perhaps why it was not as effective, and what you may wish to work with going forward.  I will also state here--I am not a physician and have not been trained as a physician.  My training has been in the traditional herbal methods of healing along with traditional healing ways of the Elders of various First Nations People. healing methods are seen as lifelong pursuits of balance vs. overnight cures although I’ve seen Creator work with Mama Earth for instantaneous healings too!
Stop by next month and we’ll explore what else we have!
Shea body butter
Refreshing lotion bars
Calendula, Lavender & Shea body butter
Beaded jewelry
Massage Oil
Auric Blends Roll on perfume
Nothing Perfumeria perfume, body spray, perfume pendants, body butter
Neem Skin Conditioning spray
Thank you so very much for stopping by!

Stop into one of our distributing stores today!

--Blue Nature Gifts in downtown Eagle River
Medicine from Mother Earth

Eagle River, WI 54521

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