So many of us are on the path towards health~conscientiously choosing life over pain and stagnation. Praying for your continued journeys towards health and joy~Our newsletter is a journey in and of itself. We've made our physical move to a new abode and are creating new paths for my children as they begin this year in a new home. My daughter is thinking of returning back to work and my son is ready to begin his year as Class President and all that will entail. Puppies are good, happy and making new friends and we've come to the end of opening boxes. Now to just complete the hanging of the pictures and iron out my herbal storage system in a beautiful way. This past month has not been an easy one on any level~yet there have been some incredibly amazing prayer warriors who've watched over me and us each and every day of it. My heart and my thanks continue to weave their way thru to you (and you and you...) each and every day and prayer I am a part of. Knowing the circle of life will continue to bless your lives in ways that are filled with miracles. Peace has had quite a struggle to keep it's balance~Continued thanksgiving for all traditional ways that have kept that Peace alive and well.
So many struggles going on around us all--an Uncle who has had his life saved==>and the prayers for a good life to continue, the largest gathering of Natives in all time coming together to defend land and water through Peace===>being told they will make many new friends thru this prayer that will last lifetimes. Standing strong in what is coming through for all of our children. Knowing that if these pipelines continue being built, that your children and mine will suffer greatly. Too many earthquakes, too many oil spills, too much Cancer and lung disease killing our relations. A Brother dancing for Peace, A Sister praying for good, A Son with the will to live and a Love that lives eternally. Knowing that what I've needed with Truth will wind it's way through each of these stories. Knowing that the power of prayer can bring about huge healing worldwide. Watching in utter humbleness as confirmation continues to show itself. Giving my thanks to those of us working behind the scenes--not afraid to touch the truth and stand up for what is good.
On an herbal note we are quickly selling out of our Herbal Pain Relief Salve and our Healing Skin Salve for those affected by environmental excess (skin cancer, too much tanning, etc). When I started these blends I'd had no idea how fast the healing salves would go. The Calendula and Lavender Healing Balm another one needing to be made up again--healing anything from a bruise to an open wound. My work with Natural soaps hasn't taken a back seat yet as so many are heading to happy homes. So many people wanting to take care of their bodies. It's truly so good to see. I know for me, I've made some huge changes in how I'm handling my own healing this past month. I'm seeing it in myself, my body and those I am working with. One of the most important lessons I was shown was at the end of my third Vision Quest--in the southeast portion of AZ. I'd been up on the mountain sitting at the edge of a cliff for four days and nights and wondering how I'd make the journey down that mountain on the morn of the fifth day. Remembering as I prayed to give thanks to each part of my body that would help me down that path in the morning. Thanking the strength that was in my legs days before I actually made the trek down. Remembering each moment that strength in my legs had carried me through. Roberta being surprised how quickly we made it back to base camp--asking me how I'd prepared for that. Our physical bodies are a reflection of our Earth. Some of you have had surgeries to change things internally---steel inside, pins and plates, transplants, all sorts of things. My dear friend and Sister Lisa recently had a knee surgery---and what was put inside her body was rejected. She was allergic to the replacement and recently had to go through another surgery to replace what was put inside. I know our Drs. out there are doing their best at providing knowledge and choice. Yet they are not Creator or Mama Earth. They can never replicate what Spirit has gifted us with. As each of us takes care of the physical parts of ourselves---the World Heals a bit more. Be mindful of this. Give thanks for this day, for the body you have, and begin to introduce more health into it and onto it. Who knows what can happen....
Fall is upon us and so is the season for Colds & Flu...are you ready? New product alert!!! Birch Leaf Balm...the oils from the Birch leaf traditionally are a mild pain reliever. Scented with Peppermint, Eucalyptus and Tea Tree you will have your own herbally based Cold and Flu Remedy from the Northwoods. 4oz....$9.
We're brewing up a special order Tincture for Gut related issues---stop by near the end of September for more information!!!!!
We have several other tentative dates on the Calender for Sept and Oct---will keep you all posted as time goes by! Thank you for your continued support!!!!
4 Gut Problems That Trigger Inflammation (Even If You Eat Healthy)
Ditching processed junk for real, whole foods can do amazing things for our health. I've seen countless cases of lives being improved by the power of food medicine.
But what happens when, after adopting a clean, plant-based lifestyle, you hit a plateau? What happens when your symptoms flare up when you start eating better? I have seen many patients who eat very clean but still have health issues.
There are many possible reasons why eating healthy alone is not enough. But one of the most common underlying issues I often see is found in the microbiome.
Your microbiome is the trillions of bacteria and yeast that live in your gut and on your skin. The microbiome is home to around 80 percent of your immune system and 95 percent of your "happy" neurotransmitter serotonin. Often called your "second brain," it helps control your mood, weight, hormones, and even yourgenetic expression.
Thousands of years ago, Hippocrates, the father of medicine said, "All disease begins in the gut." Now, science is catching up with antiquity. Because your gut is foundational to almost every other system of your body, if you have a chronic or autoimmune condition, chances are it has at least a microbiome component to it — even if you aren't experiencing digestion symptoms.
If you're eating clean but are still experiencing health issues, there are four underlying gut problems to look for:
1. Leaky gut syndrome
When your intestinal lining is damaged, undigested food particles and bacterial endotoxins called lipopolysaccharides (LPS) can pass through the gut lining, leading to systemic inflammation throughout your body.
In functional medicine, leaky gut syndrome is seen as an almost precondition for autoimmune diseases and many other health problems.
What to do: Eating a clean diet takes out most of the immunoreactive and inflammatory foods like gluten, sugar, and bad fats, which is a great start. There is a chance, though, that years of eating poorly in the past, medications, or just living in a modern toxic world could have caused chronic food intolerances.
When the gut is chronically damaged and an inflammatory-immune response has been triggered, your immune system can react to the healthiest of foods. I have seen bone broth, kale, and just about every other nutrient-dense food be a source of inflammation in some people.
In addition to getting functional medicine labs, an elimination diet is the first step to uncovering food intolerances and healing your gut.
2. Bacterial imbalances
The delicate balance of your gut garden is essential for health. Conditions like small intestinal bacterial overgrowth (SIBO) and other bacterial dysbioses are linked to numerous health problems.
Anxiety and depression have been linked to lower levels of Lactobacillus helveticusand Bifidobacterium longum, and weight gain was linked to higher amounts of Firmicutes.
When someone with dysbiosis or SIBO starts to eat healthier and increases their vegetable intake, it can cause more gut problems, like constipation and bloating. But it is the underlying microbiome issue, not the vegetables, that is the root problem.
What to do: In addition to getting labs done to assess your microbiome levels, you should also consider a FODMAP intolerance. Foods like onions and garlic are just two of the healthy foods that will flare up digestive problems and inflammation in someone with FODMAP intolerance.
Natural antibiotics such as oregano oil, garlic, and uva ursi are some tools I use to help address bacterial overgrowths.
Probiotic combinations of Bifidobacteria, Enterococcus and Lactobacillus have also been shown to have a positive effect on SIBO.
3. Histamine intolerance
One specific intolerance that I often find in people with leaky gut syndrome and bacterial overgrowths is histamine intolerance.
Histamine intolerance occurs when there is a dysfunction or deficiency of the enzymes that break histamines — chemicals produced during an allergic reaction — down. Without the enzymes to effectively get rid of excess histamine, the overflow can cause a lot of problems. There are also foods that naturally contain histamine, or trigger the release of histamine in the body.
What to do: Histamine intolerance can easily be found in people who eat healthfully, because many whole foods are high in histamine.
Fermented foods (kefir, kimchee, sauerkraut, and yogurt, for example), bone broth, and legumes (like chickpeas, beans, soybeans, peanuts) are all foods that are higher in histamine and can trigger inflammation for people with histamine intolerance.
Even with healthy foods, what works for one person may not be right for you.
4. Yeast overgrowth
We all have some yeast in our gut microbiome, but overgrowths of yeast such asCandida albicans can cause chronic low-grade inflammation and immune stress. People with an already weakened immune system or autoimmune problem can find a candida overgrowth to be a trigger for more health problems.
What to do: Fermented foods are generally good for us, but they don't work for everyone. If you have candida or another yeast overgrowth, foods like sauerkraut and kimchee can feed the yeast. Certain probiotic supplements that contain prebiotics can also feed overgrowths.
I generally suggest waiting until after the die-off phase of candida removal before adding these foods back in. This can take anywhere from weeks to months, depending on the severity of the case. For a full list of my tips to fight off candida overgrowth, read my article.
What now? How to achieve optimal gut health:
Do you remember when you started living a healthy lifestyle and it was a little overwhelming? Dealing with microbiome issues might cause the same feelings of "Where do I even start?"
If you feel like you may have one of these gut problems, here are three simple action steps to point you in the direction of health:
Step 1: Consider functional medicine labs.
The first step to the functional medicine approach is finding out the root dysfunctions that give rise to chronic and autoimmune health problems.
Blood and stool labs can give you a detailed look at your microbiome, the levels of your specific bacteria and yeast, rule out leaky gut syndrome, give insight to food intolerances, and measure your autoimmune reactivity.
Step 2. Look at stress levels.
Even if you're eating clean, being chronically stressed can sabotage your body's ability to heal. Chronic stress has been shown to suppress the immune system, decrease blood and oxygen flow to the intestines, and increase gut lining permeability.
Finding ways to regularly de-stress like mindfulness meditation, tai chi, yoga, or just spending time in nature can be a piece to your healing puzzle.
We are all different, and there is no "one size fits all" to regaining your health. If you've cleaned up your diet but still have health problems, I recommend working with a qualified functional medicine practitioner.
Keep in mind that we are all on health journeys. We are all learning what works for our body and what doesn't. Give this journey, and yourself, grace and patience.
Favorite scents? What is yours?
DIY Body Spray Basics
Supplies: To begin this aroma journey, you'll need to stock up on a few supplies. Think of your perfumery ingredients as if they are a collection of paints. Like strokes of color on a canvas, it's fun to have a variety of scents to layer while blending, including several top, middle, and bottom notes. You'll also want a few bases, like organic hydrosols, organic witch hazel extract, or plain vodka. I really like to have these little amber vials handy for making test blends and this cobalt blue bottle with mister top for the finished recipe.
Test Blend: To make a simple test blend, choose just 2 or 3 essential oils. Carefully drip a total of 10 drops into a small vial and take notes of the ratio (example: 5 drops of cistus, 3 drops of sandalwood, and 2 drops of lavender). Roll the bottle between your palms to combine. Take a whiff or use a cotton ball to allow the blend to develop. Smell again after an hour or two and then again the next day to experience the fragrance's arc. You can also go simple and use just 1 essential oil instead of making a blend.
Formulate: Once you have an essential oil blend you love, it's time to make the body spray. Use a hydrosol for the base to give your blend extra complexity or go for a neutral option, like vodka or witch hazel extract. Calculate a 2% dilution for the size of your spray bottle and mix up a batch of your essential oil blend. To simplify this process, multiply 12 drops of the blend per ounce of base carrier. So, if you have a 4oz spray bottle, use 48 total drops of your essential oil blend. Carefully count each drop as you drip the blend into your base and then shake well. Congrats! Your body spray is ready to be enjoyed. It's that easy!
Is There an 'All Natural' Alternative to Antibiotics?
from Susan Weed There are good reasons to use antibiotic drugs. That said, most physicians and healthcare professionals agree that they are often overused. The overuse of antibiotics has created "superbugs" that are immune to the most common antibiotics. But on a more personal level, antibiotics can wreak havoc on your own immune system and gastrointestinal tract.
The good news is that there is an all-natural alternative to antibiotics that I've found to be very effective. If your infection is not life threatening, you may wish to try herbs instead of, or in addition to, regular antibiotics. Of the most-often used herbal anti-infectives—calendula, chaparral, echinacea, goldenseal, myrrh, poke, usnea, and yarrow—it is the lovely purple coneflower, echinacea, that I most often turn to.
I find echinacea as effective as antibiotics (dare I say sometime better than!) if E. angustifolia/augustifolia — but not E. purpurea — is used when you make your own tincture; tincture, not capsules or teas, is used; the root, and only the root, is used; and very large doses are taken very frequently.
To figure your dose of echinacea, divide your body weight by 2; take that many drops per dose. There are about 25 drops in a dropperful; round up to full droppers. For example, if you weigh 180 pounds, take 90 drops/4 dropperfuls. There is no known overdose of echinacea tincture. With acute infection, I take a full dose every 2–3 hours. When the infection is chronic, I take a full dose every 4–6 hours.
Many infections can be countered by echinacea alone. But, when there is a deeply entrenched infection in the pelvic area, for example, I add one dropperful of poke root tincture to my one- ounce bottle of Echinacea. Poke (find a youtube of Susun speaking about poke below) is an especially effective ally for men with prostatitis, women with chronic bacterial vaginal infections or PID, and anyone dealing with an STD/STI or urinary tract infection (UTI).
There are many good-quality vendors who sell echinacea root. To make your make your own echinacea antibiotic tincture: Put 4 ounces, or 115 grams, of echinacea cut root in a quart jar. Fill the jar to the top with 100-proof vodka. Cap tightly, and be sure to label it and keep it safely out of children's reach. Wait at least 6 weeks before use. This tincture is even more potent after 1 year.
Echinacea Courtesy of Susun Weed discussed the benefits of herbal medicine remedy echinacea tincture to counter bacterial infections, dosa...
All-natural tooth powder is an excellent alternative to traditional toothpaste. I know you would never want to give up that blue tube of joy and happiness, but if you are looking to eliminate toxins in your oral health care, this tooth powder is easy to make and tastes great too!
My family has been extremely supportive of all of the changes I’ve made in this last year – from diet to cleaning products to health and beauty products. The rule is that they have to try whatever is “new” and if they hate it, they can go back to using their normal product or food. I don’t want to force my all-natural lifestyle on the boys. They are usually reluctant to try, but they are great sports and normally like the new product.
Color me surprised when Hubby asked me one day, “can you make tooth powder?” Hummm…. let me think on that one for a second. Uh… ok…!!!!
How it’s Made
Tooth powder has been around forever, and there are many different versions. The one I like is super simple and basic:
Mix all of the ingredients together. Add more baking soda and essential oil drops to your taste preference.
How to Use
I like to keep a small teaspoon to scoop the tooth powder into the palm of my hand. Wet the toothbrush and dip it into the powder. Brush as normal. You will find that you will need to reapply the powder a couple of times during brushing. This is normal. Rinse and enjoy your sparkly clean teeth!
Why Tooth Powder?
I love using all-natural toothpaste – Toms of Maine is my favorite! But I wanted to share with you some options when it comes to oral health and hygiene.
Fluoride and sodium lauryl sulfate (SLS) are found in all of the mainstream toothpastes. Fluoride is one of the most toxic substances known to man, and SLS isn’t far behind. If you have any kind of auto-immune or thyroid disorder, it’s worse. Without reinventing the wheel, you can read more about SLS and fluoride from the experts. And no, you don’t need fluoride to clean your teeth.
Sodium Bicarbonate – One of the most all natural cleaners you can find, Sodium Bicarbonate (aka baking soda) is used to deodorize, sooth, clean, whiten and brighten.
Bentonite Clay – First discovered in France, the largest known source of Bentonite Clay is found in Ft. Benton, Wyoming. Bentonite Clay is known for its ability to draw out toxins from your body, but it also known to have an abundance of healing minerals. (source)
Himalayan Salt – While any course sea salt would work, I prefer Himalayan salt. The course salt in the tooth powder is a gentle abrasive for your teeth and gums but Himalayan salt contains 84 trace minerals and elements. So why not go for the healthier option? (source)
Love the idea? Scared to death to try? Don’t forget to pin to keep for later!
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