A Glimpse of the Universe
Each day is a gift...to look upwards at the Pine trees here in the Northwood's and see if they are blooming...growing...extending again after our long and hard winter. That one is...a bit of a wait for that one...waiting and watching as the temperatures cool and then warm...rain and then the sun shines down again. Snow melting...buds greening on the ground...pushing forth. So exciting to see life created once again after our long winter slumbers and going within. The almost electrifying energy in the air--pushing our limits aside and preparing us for growth. There are some cultures that I've been with who translate their prayers in the lodge to include the seasons -- blending them with the seasons of our lives. Spring would then be the time of the child. Innocence and trust...flitting about like the butterfly...running here and there exploring...the newness of it all. Here's hoping your Spring brings blessings and growth to you and your families!
 In keeping with my move towards simplicity and almost raw healing you'll see many of the soaps and balms I've been busy working on. Colored with herbs and spices--use of clear essential oil notes--sometimes as a double Sagittarius I get overly excited about all these things...and can spin a bit out of control for a bit. Coming back to center is always a good thing for me. When I look back on my production last year it was about making making making. Getting as much personal practice and knowledge in as I possibly could. This season our products are more focused---truer in a sense. You'll see less coloration with chemicals, less blends of essential oils that are complicated and a refining of what worked with each of you last year and where we're headed for this year. With scents that many of you last year asked for--Lemongrass, Lemon, Lavender or Patchouli, Hemp oil soaps--and reworking of blends that didn't go over well. Stocking up for our first Crafter's Fair...upcoming Farmer's Markets...with a possible Women's Expo in Wausau too! Truth be told we had hoped to be moving from the area this summer--with dreams of a farmstead where I could plant a garden and grown our own vs. forage in the wild. We're waiting on that dream to manifest and are now searching for venues to travel to. Keep us in mind if you have a favorite store you'd like to see our products in.. have a local Pow Wow we may not have the information about...or a local farmer's market you think would work well. Remember too, marketing is not rocket science. What we're doing is natural for any young business--learning as we grow! Setting up times and dates are the focus now--We're also coming up with a Wholesale Linesheet and have several Vendor packages in the works to send off to stores. If you have any ideas on where you'd like to see our products--send us an email! Those should go out next month. All this activity on what's new to do this season we have to find room for new products! With that comes a release of more sale items. Take a look at our Etsy site or our Facebook page to see where we are and what we're giving away this time!
And now for a surprise! We need more activity on our Facebook page! Stop by...Like...Comment and Share...and we'll be having some giveaways! Could be weekly, semi-weekly etc....We still need testers!
 Springtime is traditionally a time for cleansing and cleaning things up. Inside and out, internally and externally. What are the things that you do to cleanse in the Spring? We're overhauling our storage area, our production and our outside space. As this time has been so busy with creating product we've moved to using our kidney cleanse tea alternately with a detox licorice blend. Use the information I've included to begin working on your own detox/cleanse...this is the perfect time for it. We've included information for everything from self/body care to herbal energy support, allergies and yoga. While you are at it---stop out to our Neighbor's Nagomi Yoga & Massage! Shanna has included her schedule and a bit about the center. Don't forget to stop in for tea too!!! There's even some amazing Herbal flash cards you can download for your kids! Spring is such an exciting time!!!! Everything about Spring shows us that--and as you connect with the seasons of life, of mother earth...you'll find that your desires, wishes and goals you are working towards will come about in an easier way, a gentler way...As I always say---change can come about through a hammer or a feather....Which way will you choose?
Bright blessings, Sandy MountainsDreamz
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