And Thyme will Tell....
November Newsletter~ 2016
A letter to my followers,
We find ourselves at a breaking point where choice is of the utmost importance. Choosing to listen to our Higher Power vs Greed or Domination by others---choosing to Heal vs. Harm---choosing Love and Peace over Hatred and Separation. Yet we are all human and find our own insecurities and shortcomings in the way of being lifted up out of the dredge and slime that is being bulldozed even as I speak. Graves of our Ancestors being torn up while machinery that humans have created digs a deeper hole. Where is the holiness--the love---the blessing of a new day in all that humans are continuing to do to Mother Earth?
I find myself creating more soap, more tinctures, more healing balms and salves for my people. Frantically and with incredible reserve knowing that Mother Earth will survive this too...yet hearing from Creator that many people will not. Watching online as the bulldozers continue to tear apart these lands for the sake of greed. It is no secret that we are all connected...that our bodies are made of water and earth. My own experience with these energies is unique--as is yours--yet I know that what is going on in the world is felt physically in my own body. Hearing others begin to become aware of the pains and illnesses that they harbor are related to what is going on in the world. Watching the struggle of Big Pharma as it wages war on Herbalists once again as in the inquisition and wytch hunts of days gone by. Fighting out of control for power over Mother Nature. Hearing people pray and even wish to dictate when it rains, when it snows. Watching the People at Standing Rock continue to respond with Love and Peace, even when they need to release the anger and frustration that is felt by every one of us connected to Mother Earth. How can a people be so blinded to Truth? What else will it take to teach them?
Cancer in their loved ones as they dig for more coal or oil? Politicians only learned firsthand what the movement for LGBT meant when their own children came out of the closet. Spiritual pain and suffering that occurs when you dig up the bones of Spiritual People? Going crazy with the effects of these things? I saw a blog posting recently where the author was writing about the nightmares she was having and how she related it to witchcraft and the black and white judgmental world of her Christian belief system. Thinking all the while to myself there will be more of this teaching in the Dreamtime for People who do not understand. Watching how ones thoughts can continue to lead towards separation vs. inclusion. Knowing full well the effects of not being listened to, not being spoken to. Their continued digging up of Mother Earth and the Ancestors will bring issues to the forefront. People will have fear. It is not to be done the ways they are doing...Spiritual Law is first...Physical law comes second.
What we are doing as a nation, as a people is desecrating the very bones of our Ancestors--tossing to the wayside what has kept us alive all these years. Remember this if nothing else--we are the result of our Ancestors prayers. And here we see on our own lands people stomping and digging all over and thru that. Wondering if you as a Jew, a Muslim, a Russian, a Christian can find it in yourself to lay down your Judgement of how you think it should be and listen to what another thinks...another from the other side of the world...from Standing Rock...from Israel...from Syria...from Russia has to say on the matter. Your prophecies and writings are not the only way. They are the way that Creator has spoken to you---but not to all People. What about them?
As you can see, I have not included anything about the upcoming election. My only thoughts here are we have a sexual predator and rapist going up against a lawyer who's worked to get off sexual predator's and rapists in the past. Both from big money only out to protect their monied interests--never speaking up about Climate Change or what is going on at Standing Rock with any strength or resolve to do what is right for the people, for the land or even the coming generations. We will see what sort of circus the America's will vote for.
What to do about it all? For me as I've said--I've been strongly shown to continue working each day with my Herbs, Soaps and Salves. Praying constantly for the good of Mother Earth and all of our inhabitants. Knowing full well that what goes into an herbal formula is just as important as what is left out. Watching and witnessing the stance being made for Peace and Love out at Standing Rock. Crying and becoming angrier than I've ever been at the greed and continued digging. Always coming back to the Traditions that I've learned to remind me to hold on to Peace. Keep loving. Keep praying. Keep walking. Continue speaking out for those who cannot speak or who do not know. Continue singing and drumming and doing good things. Knowing full well that sometimes even the act of chopping wood and carrying water can change the world. Even when those people living the lie know the truth and continue to rape Mother Earth with a vengeance. These people do know what they are doing and they are doing it anyway. What is it going to take? As they prolong doing anything until after the election---prolong making a decision that could save the water for our Children. These are interesting times we find ourselves in. As continues to be shown to me--Hold on to the Peace. Hold on to Mother Nature. Hold on to Tradition. Fight when needed. Release and balance when needed. And continue to do good work. It does ripple out, even if we are all just human.
Thank you all once more for being part of our lives and joining us as we celebrate our time here on Mother Earth, Sandy MountainsDreamz |
Please listen... |
Before the Flood
National Geographic's presentation of Leonardo DiCaprio's Movie Full Movie |
Day of the Dead is an interesting holiday celebrated in central and southern Mexico during the chilly days of November 1 & 2. Even though this coincides with the Catholic holiday called All Soul's & All Saint’s Day, the indigenous people have combined this with their own ancient beliefs of honoring their deceased loved ones.
They believe that the gates of heaven are opened at midnight on October 31, and the spirits of all deceased children (angelitos) are allowed to reunite with their families for 24 hours. On November 2, the spirits of the adults come down to enjoy the festivities that are prepared for them.
Ofrenda Checklist & Day of the Dead Information Sheet
We offer free, down-loadable information sheets on Day of the Dead and how to make a home altar (ofrenda). Feel free to print them and distribute them to your school, restaurant, class, museum event, party or church. Day of the Dead is frequently misunderstood and we'd like to educate anyone about what a meaningful and beautiful holiday this is.
- Day of the Dead information sheet PDF
- How to Make an Ofrenda information sheet PDF
Five Simple Herbal Spice Blends you can make at Home! All Purpose Seasoning • 2 parts oregano • 1 part rosemary • 1 part fennel • 1 part thyme • 1/2 part garlic granules
Pumpkin Spice • 4 parts cinnamon powder • 2 parts ginger powder • 1 part cloves powder • 1/2 part nutmeg powder
Garam Masala • 2 parts cumin powder • 2 parts coriander powder • 1 part turmeric powder • 1/2 part cinnamon powder • 1/4 part ground cloves • 1/4 part ground cardamom
Celery Salt • 2 parts ground celery seed • 1 part sea salt
Taco Seasoning 2 parts chipotle powder • 1 part paprika powder • 1 part cumin powder • 1/2 part onion powder • 1/2 part garlic powder • 1/4 part cayenne powder (optional)
Rosalee de la Forêt, RH (AHG) from Learning |
Forgotten Healing Secrets of our Ancient Ancestors |
Latina Magazine explores Sacred Beauty...
Dia de los Muertos, or Day of the Day, is a Mexican holiday celebrated on November 1st and 2nd, honoring the deceased. Though the the celebration is synonymous with food, ofrendas and elaborate decorations, the one thing that often stands out to so many unfamiliar with the holiday is the calavera makeup look.
New for the Fall Season....our Scottish Rose Balm, Sandalwood Balm and Serenity Balm....each with a hint of fall colors and essential oils. Scented with Rose, Sandalwood, Frankincense and Clove, and Clove, Coriander and Cedarwood....these balms are sure to keep the memories of Fall with you all year! |
"Anyone who thinks fallen leaves are dead has never watched them dancing on a windy day" ---Shira Tamir |
It’s been a month since Olympians returned home to cheering crowds, but these elite athletes are still feeling the effects of wins, losses, and joint and muscle inflammation.
If India and China had sent athletes to the early Olympic games, doctors might have prescribed turmeric, a spice long used in Ayurvedic and Chinese medicine to treat musculoskeletal pain. Centuries later, today’s science would support them.
A simple recipe for Tom Kha Gai Thai Soup.... Rosalee de la Forêt, RH (AHG) from Learning
Tom Kha soup is a dish from Thailand. It might possibly my most favorite dish ever. The richness of the coconut milk mingles with the tartness of the lemongrass in a base of super delicious bone broth soup. It just tastes so darn good! We make a big batch of this soup once a week and eat it numerous times throughout the week.
When we have dinner guests or bring food to folks (because of injury or recent birth) we generally serve this soup. And we always hear people ranting and raving. We love to eat this soup in the winter time as part of our medicine cabinet to keep our immune systems strong throughout the winter and to avoid getting upper respiratory infections like colds and the flu. It is packed full of powerful immune herbs and spicy warming herbs that are perfect for the cold winter months.
There are lots of Tom Kha recipes out there, I hope you enjoy this version which has a few more local veggies than what you’ll typically see in these recipes. Soups beg to be altered, so experiment away! Ingredients • 32 fluid oz bone broth soup • 3 cans regular coconut milk (look for BPA free coconut milk) • 2 big stalks lemongrass, sliced in large pieces • 4 tablespoons fish sauce • 2 tablespoons low sodium soy sauce • 2 tablespoons apple cider vinegar • 4 tablespoons lime juice • 4 tablespoons minced ginger • 8 cloves minced garlic • 1 pack skinless chicken thighs, cubed in very small pieces (sometimes we use salmon instead) • 8 ounces shitake mushrooms, sliced • 1 bunch bok choy, chopped • 1 bunch of kale chopped • 1 bunch green onions • 2 carrots, chopped • 1 tablespoon green thai curry paste • 1 bunch fresh cilantro, chopped (leave the stems in!)
Directions Heat the bone broth and coconut milk in a large, heavy-bottomed pan. Once the liquids are heated, you can add the fish sauce, tamari, apple cider vinegar, lime juice, ginger and garlic. Bring the broth to a slow simmer, make sure it doesn’t boil, and do not cover it during cooking. When the broth is simmering, add the chicken, mushrooms, bok choy, kale, green onions, carrots and green curry paste. When the chicken is fully cooked and the carrots are tender, add the cilantro. After a minute, taste the soup and add some lime juice if desired. It’s ready to serve! A cilantro and red pepper garnish is a nice touch. This recipe makes a lot of soup. Perhaps 8 – 12 servings. It makes great left-overs! |
 by Dan CastroOctober 30, 2016 5:19 AM In 1941, Swiss engineer Georges de Mestral went hunting one day in the Alps. When he got home, he noticed his socks were covered with cockleburs (Xanthium). Curious to know why, he examined one of the cockleburs under a microscope to discover they had tiny hooks on the ends that allowed them to grab onto any sort of material that formed a loop. Typical clothing made from woven fabric made the perfect field of loops.
De Mestral spent the next 15 years trying to figure out the perfect material from which he could create a synthetic version of what he experienced in nature. He settled on nylon because it does not rot, break down, or attract mold. He eventually discovered that when nylon is heated on one end, it forms a natural hook. Then he found a way to weave nylon thread into a series of loops in a separate piece of fabric. When the fabric with the hooks was pressed against the fabric with the loops, the two pieces naturally stuck together just like the cockleburs had stuck to de Mestral's socks. In 1960, Velek Ltd. acquired the exclusive right to market the product in North and South America under the name Velcro.
What does your Pineal Gland have to do with Spirituality? |
Happy birthday to all of our November Clients!!! |
Prayers and blessings are heard by Mother Earth! |
When the drummers were Women... |
It is no secret that I follow Native American traditions and have a long history with their Ceremonial ways. Understanding the rights and ways of the 'underdog' has always been my path and will always be so. Taking care of the wounded, the beaten, the sick and hurting individuals is a way taught through herbalism as well. It's what we do as Mothers. As time continues to flow onward we come up on a day of giving thanks that was origynally intended as a doorway opening up these lands so that we could walk hand in hand with our newly found brothers and sisters again, on these lands. What we are all seeing in these days are racism, spiritual attacks on a People, desecration once again of lands, spiritual items, sacred burial grounds and ceremonies that is responded to with turning the other cheek so that big oil can quite literally continue raping Mother Earth and illegally and forcibly do what they want to whomever they want, even without the proper legal ok. Injustices that continue to go on in broad daylight---while my fellow citizens enjoy another round of alcohol by the fire. Turning a blind eye to the atrocities that their own family members still try to stand up for. Thanksgiving. A time of giving thanks. For what? Allowing the rape to go on? For what? Money in their pockets? Money is not love. No matter where you come from. It will never replace the actual physical contact of relationships. Ever. Greed and Lies are once again at the forefront of our lands.I am continuing to pray for a peaceable solution and continuing to hope that there will be something to be thankful for out of all of this. I am hoping you choose to side with what is right and good and true...not with the money. We shall see what comes from this one...nothing has been promised. |
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