OCTOBER ~ 2016
Welcome to Cranberry Fest weekend! Hard to believe that time has moved so quickly...yet here we are at the ending of our Summer Farmer's Markets, the influx of all of our visitors for the weekend's activities and unpacking our Fall/Winter coats and sweaters. Our Northwood's Fall Colors are still a bit behind schedule but after the past few days of rain and cooler nights, we are bursting into color everywhere! Droplets of water on the ground all night, clear and starry skies each evening and Mother Nature is getting another Fall Spectacular ready for all of us to enjoy!
We still have several more outdoor ventures coming up--and even one or two behind the scenes we're waiting to confirm. This month it's all about getting quiet, sipping some tea and pulling our energies inward to prepare for the hibernation of Winter. If you're in tune with Mother Nature her normal cycles associated with the seasons will naturally pull you and your body with Her. Thinking about the upcoming frost and snowfall--the cold and flu season and what each of us can do to stay healthy as we pull inward. We'll have feet of snow on the ground soon and the herbs and flowers will be but a memory until Springtime. Gather the remaining harvests and go within. The products we'll be featuring this month are all about taking care of our bodies during this season of change. Cold and hot, wet and dry--can all mean changes in our internal health--especially if we're off balance ourselves. Take a look below at our Birch Leaf Balm, Cold and Cough Syrup or our Cold--Eeze Tinctures---and remember, if there are questions you have on your own health journey? We'll gladly create something just for you! So sit back, we've got some information, some wonderful videos and singular herbal info sheets for you this month.
Thank you all once more for being part of our lives and enjoying our time here on Mother Earth another day, Sandy MountainsDreamz |
Several more opportunities are being considered for our Fall and Holiday Events---stay tuned! |
New for the Fall Season....our Birch Leaf Balm created with our very own Northwood's Birch Leaves which when infused in oil act as a mild pain reliever. Coupled with the essential oils I've used this balm is perfect for the change of seasons, colds and flu or virus scenario you may have in your family. Simply rub it on your chest, sinus area or bottoms of your feet and allow Mother Nature to soothe your aches and pains related to those pesky change of season bugs! |
You'll also find relief with our Cough and Cold Syrup packaged in extra large bottles! Made with Ginger root, Elderberry, Northwood's Chaga, Astragalus, Licorice root, Osha, Slippery Elm, a Pine and Osha tincture and Honey. 1 - 2 tablespoons as needed and your sore throat will be history! Keep this in the fridge for added safety and it will be good for up to 3 months. Use it all winter long!
For those of you who wish only for the Elderberry Syrup--we make that as well! Elderberry Syrup has been used for centuries as a daily regimine for health and vitality. Adults take 1 - 2 tablespoons a day and your on your way to a no cold, no flu season. Children are able to take this as well--simply reduce the dosage to 1 teaspoon per day.
Needing something you can travel with? Why not one of our Herbal Tinctures? We have a Throat Coat Tincture good for all ailments affecting your voice or throat---and a Cold--Eeze Tincture to be taken at onset of a cold and all the way through. Tinctures typically are made in an everclear base and will last in your Medicine Cabinet for upwards of 10+ years. Simply drop the medicine under your tongue where it will absorb or place drops in a cup of hot coffee or tea (and the alcohol will evaporate through the steam). |
We've had to rebatch our Calendula & Lavender Healing Balm and our Pain Relief Salve this past week as we had sold out for the third and fourth times! I started this year thinking that our natural soaps would be the big sellers--but by far--our Healing balms and salves have amazed not only me but You as well!
Our Calendula and Lavender balm has Infused oils of Calendula, Lavender and Yarrow in our signature balm base with Lavender as the single note essential oil. This balm can heal anything from a bruise to an open wound, eczema, psoriasis or any sort of skin related issue.
Our Pain Relief Salve has a mixture of herbal pain relief and nervines as well as spices that alleviate pain. Coupled with essential oils that reduce pain and inflammation too! My top seller so far out of all of my products. We have this same blend in a Massage Oil and a Liniment and Tincture as well. Each blend will keep the pain at bay for a different amount of time and depending on your own body--we have one that is right for You! |
"Every leaf speaks bliss to me. Fluttering from the Autumn Tree" --- Emily Bronte |
" The tints of autumn...a mighty flower garden blossoming under the spell of the enchanter, frost." ---John Greenleaf Whittier |
"Anyone who thinks fallen leaves are dead has never watched them dancing on a windy day" ---Shira Tamir |
Carbon dioxide in Earth's atmosphere just reached a major milestone
September 29, 2016
from Mother Nature Network
Change is in the air, or at least the air itself is changing. Earth's atmosphere is shifting to a state unseen in human history, and according to scientists at Mauna Loa Observatory in Hawaii, it just reached a milestone we'd be unwise to ignore.
"Brief excursions toward lower values are still possible, but it already seems safe to conclude that we won't be seeing a monthly value below 400 ppm this year — or ever again for the indefinite future," writes climate scientist Ralph Keeling, who directs the CO2 monitoring program at Mauna Loa for the Scripps Institution of Oceanography.
Earth's air always has some CO2, which plants need for photosynthesis, but too much creates the heat-trapping effect responsible for climate change. Global CO2 levels naturally fluctuate by season due to plant growth, falling in the Northern Hemisphere's summer and rising in winter. That cycle continues, but with more and more CO2 due to billions of people burning fossil fuels.
On May 9, 2013, CO2 levels at Mauna Loa reached 400 ppm for the first time since the Pliocene Epoch, which ended about 2.8 million years before modern humans existed. (Natural phenomena raised Pliocene CO2 levels gradually, while humans are raising current levels extremely quickly by climatic standards — and with no precedent for how it will affect our species.) CO2 levels fell back to the 390s in the summer of 2013, but not for long. They were above 400 again by March 2014, and Mauna Loa's entire monthly average broke 400 ppm that April, as did a broader global average in March 2015.
And now monthly CO2 levels have stayed above 400 ppm even in September, when they typically reach their annual low. It's clear September 2016 will average more than 400 ppm, Keeling writes, and although September isn't always the lowest month for CO2, he adds it's "almost impossible" for October's value to dip back below 400.
That suggests the 300 ppm era is all but over, given the rate of emissions and CO2's tendency to stay in the sky for centuries. But while it's already too late to stop some effects of climate change, it's also way too early to give up.
Four hundred is a symbolic milestone, as round numbers tend to be, which helps it highlight what's happening more than 380 or 390 could. Like any milestone, it's a reminder of the path we're on — and a natural opportunity to consider changing course.
Treat the Earth as if you're life depended on it---Genesis 2:15. |
Healthy benefits from Elderberry Syrup with Rosemary Gladstar |
the Healing properties of Yarrow with Rosemary Gladstar |
from The Complete Herbal Guide
With their warming, stimulating, and disinfecting actions, juniper berries have many medicinal uses. Juniper berries have an antiseptic effect and are often used in cases of chronic and repeated urinary tract infection. They are used in between flare-ups in those with frequent infections but not for acute cases of bladder infection.
Juniper stimulates urinary passages, causing the kidneys to move fluids faster. This is helpful if your kidneys are working sluggishly (such as with renal insufficiency) and if urine is not flowing freely. But such stimulation would be disastrous if you had a raging kidney infection. Because of the myriad dangers, juniper must be used judiciously, starting with small, cautious dosages, and only under the supervision of an experienced practitioner. It also may be used for prolapse and weakness of the bladder or urethra.
Because juniper is indicated for chronic conditions associated with debility and lack of tone in the tissues, it is most often used for treating older people or those with chronic diseases. Both the aging process and prolonged disease are associated with loss of tone in tissues and organs. Since juniper is stimulating, it is useful in these situations.
Juniper berries also are recommended for joint pain, gout, rheumatoid arthritis, and nerve, muscle, and tendon disorders; the plant is used internally and topically for such complaints. Take small doses of juniper mixed with other herbs, such as ginger, for a month at a time; then abstain for a week to 10 days before restarting.Juniper’s volatile oils have been concentrated and used topically for coughs and lung congestion. Its tars and resins have been isolated and used topically to treat psoriasis and other stubborn skin conditions. This treatment may irritate the skin, so you should dilute it and gradually increase the concentration. In both topical therapies, juniper has a warming, stimulating, and slightly irritating action.
Juniper also is considered to be a uterine stimulant, occasionally used by herbalists to improve uterine tone and late or slow-starting menstrual periods. Juniper is valuable for respiratory infections and congestion because the volatile oil in its berries opens bronchial passages and helps to expel mucus. Juniper’s volatile oils also relieve gas in the digestive system and increase stomach acid when insufficient. Hydrochloric acid in the stomach is required to digest food, and insufficient acid leads to incomplete digestion, gassiness, and bloating. |
Rezpect our Water! |
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