Monday, April 4, 2016

Think good thoughts....gardening, spring, growing, life...

In our family we have generations that always waited until Mother's Day to begin our gardens.  My mom, her mom, and on and on as far as I've been told.  I remember our garden growing up, at first it was medium size--about 800-900 square feet...and then we moved it to another part of our lawn area and I swear it was the size of a football field.  At least that's what it felt like.  Mom every year would take out her seen catalogs, plan her garden by rows, and who liked to be next to whom.  Read up on the Farmer's Almanac for the moon times and we started planting.  and planting. and planting.  Then, we weeded.  and weeded. and weeded.  Mom and Dad worked a lot so from the age of when we moved out there, we kids were the ones doing the work.  Shown well, and worked hard...;).  Not only did we have the huge garden to work with--but we planted food for all the animals as well.  Dad took care of that with the tractor and all.  We just focused on the garden...;).

Seeing the information online at the Farmer's Almanac brings back so many memories.  Each year as an adult, I've kept the tradition alive.  Which I might add, is quite difficult up here in the Northwoods'--we don't get alot of sunlight under the tall pine trees.  And, our well fed deer have eaten most of what's been  But I still plant.  I found a trick I'm going to work with this year on my medicinal plants.  I've heard tell if you sprinkle soap shavings around the area you don't want the deer to eat, they will stay away.  I have a batch of herbal soap I've made up--sitting there in wait for the snow to melt.  The trick indicates you need to reapply after a rain, and don't go too heavy or you'll have suds.  LOL...soap is everywhere!  Anyway, here is the local planting guide by date for you gardener's.  Head over to Farmer's Almanac if you're not up in the Northwoods and find something close to where you live.  The picture below is also one of theirs--a kitchen garden.  They have loads of photos and maps on what to plant where and next to whom...Have a lovely day, and remember to plant, plant, plant---and then weed, weed, weed...and harvest.  Giving thanks along the way!

Seed Starting and Planting Date Calculator for Merrill, WI

From the Farmer's Almanac
Here are seed-starting dates for your first spring planting. These dates are based on historical frost dates, as reported by your nearest government weather stations.
Historical data is useful way to get a sense of "typical" frost dates to give you a general sense of timing. However, it is not a replacement for good judgement. Obviously, you need to be aware of your weather this coming season. Other factors that can also influence your planting dates include soil temperature, altitude and slope of land, nearby waters, and day length. Also, keep records of your garden's conditions each year to plan more accurately.
On chart below, please note:
  • Seeds for plants with a long growing season should be started indoors during the periods shown below.
  • Seeds for plants sown in the ground should be planted during the periods shown.
  • When no dates appear in the chart, that starting method is not recommended for the particular vegetable.


50% probability of frost free after May 26 (at MERRILL, WI climate station).
CropStart Seeds IndoorsMoon-favorable DatesSet Out Plants/
Start Seeds Outdoors
Moon-favorable Dates

Jun 2-23Jun 4-20

May 12-Jun 2May 22-Jun 2
BroccoliApr 14-28Apr 14-22May 5-26May 6-21
Brussels sproutsApr 14-28Apr 14-22Apr 28-May 19May 6-19
CabbageMar 31-Apr 14Apr 7-14Apr 28-May 12May 6-12

Apr 21-May 5Apr 23-May 5
CauliflowerApr 14-28Apr 14-22Apr 28-May 12May 6-12
CeleryMar 17-31Mar 17-23Jun 2-16Jun 4-16
CollardsApr 14-28Apr 14-22Apr 28-May 19May 6-19

May 26-Jun 9Jun 4- 9
CucumbersApr 28-May 5
Jun 9-30Jun 9-20
EggplantMar 17-31Mar 17-23Jun 9-30Jun 9-20
KaleApr 14-28Apr 14-22Apr 28-May 19May 6-19

Apr 28-May 19May 6-19
LeeksMar 17-31Mar 17-23Apr 28-May 19May 6-19
LettuceApr 14-28Apr 14-22May 12-Jun 9May 12-21, Jun 4- 9
MelonsApr 28-May 5
Jun 9-30Jun 9-20

Jun 9-23Jun 9-20
Onion sets

Apr 28-May 19Apr 28-May 5

May 5-26May 5, May 22-26

Apr 14-May 5Apr 14-22
PeppersMar 17-31Mar 17-23Jun 9-30Jun 9-20
Potato tubers

May 19-Jun 9May 22-Jun 3
PumpkinsApr 28-May 12May 6-12Jun 9-30Jun 9-20

Mar 31-Apr 21Mar 31-Apr 6

Apr 14-May 5Apr 14-22
SquashApr 28-May 12May 6-12Jun 9-30Jun 9-20
Sweet PotatoesApr 28-May 5Apr 28-May 5Jun 9-30Jun 21-30
Swiss ChardApr 14-28Apr 14-22May 5-12May 6-12
TomatoesMar 31-Apr 14Apr 7-14Jun 2-23Jun 4-20

Apr 28-May 19Apr 28-May 5
WatermelonApr 28-May 5
Jun 9-30Jun 9-20

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