Sunday, November 6, 2016

Day 2: Gratefulness Journey

Day 2:  What am I most grateful about with myself? Name 20 facts about myself
  1.  I am the middle child of three--almost 52 y.o. and raised on a farm in Northern IL.
2.  I have two children myself--an 18 y.o. daughter and a 16 y.o. son.  Their father played drums for Bob Marley back in the day.
3.  I am currently not working due to major back issues and seeking Disability as the issues will be with me for life.
4.  I have two Shih tzu's--Babygirl who is 8 and Thor who is 1--who I spend  my days with.
5.  I work with herbs creating natural home remedies, balms and salves, healing tinctures and soaps.  I've been working with herbs for going on 30+ years now.  For many of those years for myself and my family and friends, only recently have started doing so for others.
6.  I love to create!  I sew almost daily and have created over 250 Ceremonial Shirts, Ribbon dresses and Shawls around the world.  When I am not sewing I am working with herbs or soaps.
7. All of my products are naturally based and I almost cringe when having to use chemical colorants of any kind.  I prefer to use natural colorants in my soaps and all natural products in my creations.
8.  I've  had premonition dreams ever since I can remember.  As a child I used to warn my Mom when things would happen or be about to happen with my Father.  Most times my parents were afraid of these dreams, and it definitely set the stage for them wishing I was 'normal'.  I didn't listen and to this day listen to what occurs in my dreamtime.
9.  I currently live in Eagle River with my family and have lived here going on 6 years.  We find it to be an inspirational and beautiful place to live although my daughter and I have struggled with the fact of it being a republican white stronghold of sorts.
10. I've lived and traveled many places in my life and long for the days of travelling again. My bucket list is a strong and vibrant part of my dreams yet we've made the choice to stay in the area at this point since my son is President of his class.
11.  I haven't seen my sister, brother or family in six years.
12.  I've studied with Native Americans at length in learning about Spirituality, Herbalism, Moon Lodges and Dream work and utilize what I've learned on a daily basis in our family's choices. Many of my family members choose not to be a part of our lives as I've followed what I've learned spiritually from Native America.  Perhaps it is due to fear, perhaps to not understanding.  It is healing too--as are all things.
13.  I talk to ghosts!  Many of my 'spirit guides' if you will, are in fact Ancestors who have crossed over.  I studied with a teacher extensively on how to access and help assist these spirits as they cross or after they've crossed.  Many times I will say I have better friends int he spirit world as humans can get so caught up in greed, dishonesty and control.
14.  I pray constantly with Creator and Mama Earth.  In all of my choices, decisions and actions they are there guiding me in handling the smallest of details and the largest of prayers.  I don't know who or what I would be without my connection with them and give thanks daily for all that continues to show up.
15.  I've gone on four vision quests and assisted many others to quest while living in the Southwest.  I've Sundanced five years and have been away from Sundance for five years now.  I'm planning on having a Sweat lodge soon--to honor what has been gifted and continue with my prayers for Mother Earth.  I also carry a Canunpa and am here to assist in asking for Prayers in a traditional way.
16. In the Native way, I was married once.  My husband passed on and to this day each word that we've spoken continues to come to pass, continues to show itself in the world. Idk if I will ever meet another like him, not for lack of trying and find that in all things I continue to come back to what he and I shared.  We were truly blessed to have time together.
17. Most of my friends are 10 - 15 years older than myself and as time goes on I am finding it harder as they pass on too.  Having people in one's life that one respects and can help one down the path is integral to feeling support and love.
18.  As a child I felt different--I took on the role of counselor to my Mom, never truly felt loved or listened to and turned to Mother Earth and Creator for guidance.  Memories of sitting on a porch swing with my Gramma are the only memories I have of feeling loved.
19. As a young teenager I went to the Grand Canyon, through the Rockies and then through Cody, WY and Wounded Knee after the AIM uprising in the early 70's.  I had gotten my first moontime in Cody while we were on a family vacation.  The dreams and information I received on this trip have guided my whole adult life. Lead me to study Native traditional ways and use these foundations in all that I do.
20. I find gratefulness in simpler things as I age--the jumping up and down of my puppy, sitting on the grass, gathering herbs in the forest, the eagles that fly above, the hugs from my children, creating herbal remedies. Even with the physical limitations I am experiencing--there is truly so much to be grateful for.  How all that has gone on before can manifest in every single waking moment.  How we can turn away from those who harbor lies or wish to control and simply be in the space of Peace or Knowing.  How Creator and Mama Earth truly do love me and care for me as I struggle through this lifetime.  How blessed I, and We, truly am/are.


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