Day 4: What accomplishments in my life have made me the happiest? the most grateful? Such questions when I rarely speak about myself and am usually focusing on others--innit? Yikes. My brain is saying go find my resume or my school roster sheet and begin there--but everything about me says no! It's not the jobs I've had in my life where I have found the most joy or gratefulness even though I've enjoyed each and every one of them. And it's not the schooling I've almost constantly been in that brings me the most happiness--even though I truly love to learn. It's the ability to Create.

Ever since I was a young child I've been shown how to create--whether it was with food and cooking, gardening or farming, raising farm animals, sewing, or painting. I've always had to Create something out of what I was feeling in order to understand. In college I studied Psychology and we were strongly pushed to go into counseling ourselves in order to understand the visceral experience of it. I worked a bit with a Pastoral Counselor--but then as I was in Chicago, I found a Shamanic Counselor who worked with Dreaming, Dreams and Journeying. Right up my alley! She not only was a Medicine Woman in her Native tradition, but provided counseling too. Many of our sessions were physical dream journeys through movement. I had started my first dreaming journals and was getting incredible images and lessons from the dreamtime. Most of what I saw in these preliminary journeys were then painted on canvas, written in poetry or crafted in beadwork or clay. It was the actual 'doing' something with what my Spirit was showing me that brought me through my own internal blockages and pain. Not only that, but I learned techniques that I've used my whole life. Later on she introduced me to the Herbal teachers in my life and an Elder who led Vision Quests--where I studied and Quested as well.

These days as I have stopped working in the 'real world' I find myself continuing to Create. It quite honestly is the one time of the day or night I experience no physical pain--which is pretty remarkable since I have incredible amounts on a daily basis. So on days when it is difficult to move--I look for things to do while sitting: Fringing a shawl, Sewing or Beading, Working on Ceremonial Dresses or Shirts, Coming up with a new applique. On days I have more mobility I work with my herbs, salves and balms and soaps! I have recipes waiting on me on index cards--or until a client or friend asks for something in particular. And as the herbs go into the jars to start their 4 - 6 week process of becoming medicine---or as the oils start melting in the crockpot for that next batch of soap, I'm in heaven! The day's where I have even more mobility I get in my vehicle and forage for the herbs to use the following moon cycle. Exploring the woods or sides of the roads and open fields for treasures brings the most joy! Bringing them home and hanging them up to dry, Creating a new mixture for colds and flu, whisking together a balm for pain or even lucid dreams---again, the most joy. So much love and care go into raising the herbs and plants--sunshine and rain, proper mix of soil, breezes that blow and little bees that help to sow.

Once something is created--it's the real world in trying to get it packaged, labeled and onto my Etsy site, fringed so that it can go to it's new owner....or boxed up and ready for another Farmer's Market. I get so attuned to what I'm doing with the herbs that it is hard to switch gears and think about the marketing, or the newsletter that needs to be written. I find myself having to go back to writing lists as I can and do get lost in the art of creating. How do I do taxes again? I'd done them for years in my places of employment. lol...getting in the zone keeps me in my bliss. Sharing it with my friends, family and clients too. Getting to see the herbs do their 'magick'! Watching illness be healed. Smiles in my soul--it certainly brings. The hardest part is the day to day part. Where can all that soap go to cure? How many more bags or labels do I need? And don't forget the printer ink! Oh yes, it's on the list, lol. Such a joy to be able to work with Mother Nature on a daily basis. I can't think of a time I've been happier doing what I do. It is a bit more lonely though since my daughter returned to work. She and I used to create it all together--whereas now she helps with labels or inventory or setting my tables up. All good as nobody can do it all alone!
What about you? What are your accomplishments or joys showing you? I could once again answer being a Mom--but my kids are older now. They need less and less as time goes on. Soon at least one of them will be out on their own. So things are different. I'd love to hear about your joy...what brings you the most gratefulness in your life?
Peace and many many blessings, much love too!
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