Day 7: Gratefulness Journey--Happy Veterans' Day!
Informed last night about the Veteran's Day Ceremonies at the High School today where the kids will be honoring all the area servicemen and women. I am incredibly proud of my son for the reverence he shows these Veteran's and how the school will be honoring them today. Thank you to all Service people who have stood up to and for each and every one of us no matter what our race, religion or credo may have been. The atrocities that you have faced and dealt with need to be addressed and honored in all of what you have done. Our respect and gratitude!
As I look around the news today I find the riots continuing to be showcased not only in the US but abroad as well. People speaking out for what they know this country and it's people are about. Looking as well as the service police and national guard move in to quell what they see as riots at Standing Rock and places throughout the world as people speak up for their rights against the new president elect. Wondering how on a day like today things can be understood...and remembering again to give thanks to the Traditional teachings I've encountered along the way. They've helped me make sense of all portions of my own and my children's lives. Giving thanks for that teaching as we move into Full Moon time too--the Traditional teachings of the Moonlodges and Women teachers I've been blessed to know. So what do things really look like out there this morning of mornings? Aside from the political rhetoric....what does Spirit show us? Wondering as well on the upside down reality as aren't the Service people supposed to be protecting Freedom? Freedom of thoughts word and deed? Wondering why then it appears more like martial law and quenching of these Freedoms?

In looking at what is going on within the framework of what I've been shown I begin by seeing where the Natural world is: Weather, Sunshine, Drought, Fire, Flood and all things in between. My daily life is surrounded by our two puppies and my two children--once they head off to school or work, I am left with Mother Nature. So this is where I begin and where I've always understood what is going on in the world.
Latest Earthquakes Today's incidents if you look at the map include of course CA, Alaska, the areas around Yellowstone and near Oklahoma. Colorado and Arkansas are also included in today's up to the minute mapping. Broaden that out and look at the map of the world and what do you see?
In the West--the area of our Kachina's and Spirit Guides. Showing you the powers or energies of the Thunderbird--of change through initiation, of peeling back the layers and finding the truth inside of the lies or political mumbo jumbo. Taking away of the flesh by the carrion birds and stripping us down to our shadow...to our bones.
In the Northwest--the area of our Ancestor's. The wisdom of those who have gone before us as the humans continue to plow through sacred land and dig up the bones--in order to lay their pipelines. With talks of desecrating Chaco Canyon on the horizon for places to drill or frack and tear things apart again. The ice and snow that are normally there but is disappearing.
The areas around Yellowstone--where the Lakota believe to be the heart place of Mother Earth. These lesson's I'm not at liberty to share with you other than to say that they are related to their prophecies of the White Buffalo returning and the fighting off of the Black Snake.
Fire Incidents Much of the Southeast is under fire at present, did you know? After only a month ago where Hurricane Matthew was barreling down with flooding and rain. The Southeast in the ways I've been shown has to do with our future possibilities...where are things going, what will arise as we move through the wheel of life. Flash floods followed by fire. Fire of the soul, of the heart--and thinking again how we relate to what is going on with the riots and walk outs. Confederate flags and the people of the south voting in president trump. Shouting KKK epitaphs, racial profiling, slander and killings. Wondering if the KKK see the fires this way--as a warning to back down---or if they see it on the other side of the wheel as a proclamation that they're doing the right thing by burning the crosses upside down? Interesting thoughts...as we go about our day.

Several resources for you to ponder today...
Giving thanks today for the Journey. For Truth. For understanding and for a Wheel that helps me to understand where you are in the world. Where the World is at any given moment. What I need to focus on and pray about...What looks to be in store for the world...what the Ancestors and Spirit Guides are showing us. Give thanks...we have a new day to work on things!
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