Day 8: Gratefulness Journey--Something I saw...
Waking up to the news of another large earthquake and tsunami warning for New Zealand this morning...feeling the pain again after a fitful night's journey and trying to lay flat while puppy wants to eat and play. Thinking about even the smallest of difficulties from last night--my son with a migraine and my daughter's dog experiencing more pain in her tummy. Spirits again needing, greed again taking, remembering when it was good and tears fall. Most of the day yesterday spent in being harassed--pressure building up, pain continuing through the herbal medicines I am taking. Wondering, begging, asking---when will they learn? What else is needed? What have I missed...speaking in kindness to the angry mob...standing up for what is known about to those who don't quite understand yet. Breathing in and breathing out. Knowing full well that when I am with You it is all as it should be. Continuing to Pray. Continuing to Listen. Continuing to Do what it is You have asked me to do.

Grateful for what I've seen in days gone by, memories that hold true through each and every experience. The sun continues to rise and a new day has begun. Grateful that I can feel pain today....am alive today...am able to speak and see today. Happy my son is resting still and our puppy is calm. Early on, after hearing about the earthquake I hurried downstairs to work with my herbs. Finishing up the labeling process on the new soaps about to come out. For me I find that when I am stressed, in pain or not seeing good out in the world--I have to hold on to something good. Have to hold on to what I've learned along the way--so I work with my herbs. Many times I'll be downstairs making up soaps or tinctures in the wee hours after sleep. It's my favorite part of the day--pre-dawn. And I'm most times the least affected by back spasms or migraines, sciatica or other complications in the early hours of the day. Especially while working with my herbs--enough so that sometimes I wonder if I am doing these healing blends for you or for me. Time will tell I suppose.

As a child we had to rise early to feed the farm animals before our hour long bus ride to town for school. My daddy n I used to be up early--he'd make breakfast before heading to work and I'd often sit and talk with him as a child. These days, I converse with Creator and Mama Earth--receive guidance on my day or what I have left over from the night before. Dreams that come and information gained there. First stretch brings puppy up on my chest, licking and playing and wanting to go eat. Giving a hurried thank you to Creator for helping us to make it through the night--as the sun continues to rise. After feeding puppy it's time for Sage or Cedar to continue prayers for the day. Each day and in every way, remembering our connection to all that was, is and will be as we circle around the sun.
Wishing you kindness today, and Peace. Prayers for all that is occurring...Continuing to include You today in our prayers and our life--even if you've gone away from here. Knowing truth will find it's way through--even if it is only one person at a time. Blessings, I see you too.

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